5 Tips for an Outstanding Open Day

It’s open day season and schools across the country are preparing to welcome new pupils for the next academic year. If you are planning an open day soon and want to make the best possible first impression, read on to discover our tips for open day success.

1. Plan Ahead

When you are inviting visitors to your school for an open day, you should ensure that you have planned the date(s) and scheduled activities for the children well in advance. If it is left to the last minute, parents might assume that the school is disorganised, so you should make sure you are fully prepared with a comprehensive plan or agenda for the day. In addition, by advertising and making it clear that people need to register to attend the event, you will be able to control the number of visitors and organise activities accordingly.

2. Spread the Word

What good is it holding an open day if nobody knows about it?! Use online communication channels such as email, social media, and your website, as well as offline marketing strategies, to spread the word. We recommend putting up a school open day banner outside your gates to promote the event and attract more visitors from the local area.

3. Provide Adequate Parking

Visitors means more cars in the car park… If you are concerned about space, look at local parking opportunities and give advice to parents in advance to prevent confusion and ensure there is room for everyone. You can also make use of parking signs to direct visitors to the car park and prevent unauthorised parking. 

4. Ensure Easy Navigation

The easiest way for parents to find their way around your school is with signage. If you don’t provide clear direction, people could get lost or confused. UK School Signs provides a range of wayfinding signs which are perfect for helping people navigate your school successfully. We also offer event signs specifically for open days, ensuring that visitors can find reception or get to the starting point of the day.

5. Make it Interactive

Whilst it can be challenging to engage both parents and prospective pupils, this is a key factor for success on an open day. If you choose to arrange interactive activities for children, offer refreshments, and have plenty of prospectuses or literature to hand for parents to read. We recognise that planning for your school's open day can be time-consuming, but by simply following the tips provided in this blog, you should be fully prepared for a successful open day. 

How can UK School Signs help?

At UK School Signs, we offer a wide range of products to help you deliver the best open day possible. Why not create a custom open day banner to advertise the event? View our full range of event signs or discover more grounds signs, ideal for parking, wayfinding and more.